
Date : 1461369600

Location : Rofayda Academy



What is NewBornians?

NewBornians is a condensed course about all non-medical newborn care related topics covering the whole first year of the baby’s age.

Invest in YOURSELF for YOUR expected baby…

Because YOU and YOUR baby deserve the best care

This course aims at well preparing the new mother for her baby at the right time and before her motherhood journey actually begins so that, she is fully empowered with all information and all the practice she needs before delivery to be able to confidently and efficiently welcome her baby in her arms.

Who is the targeted audience of the NewBornians Newborn Care Course?

The NewBornians newborn care course is exclusively tailored to first-time mothers-to-be (first-time pregnant women) and newly mothers of 0 to 6 months old babies.

What does NewBornians cover in its Newborn Care Course?

The course covers everything about diapering, bathing, sleep training and soothing techniques, breast and bottle feeding, baby colic, how to read your baby’s cries and correctly address your baby’s needs, vaccination, teething, introducing solid food, how to reduce the risk of SIDS and many other important topics with all tiny details of each.

What are the benefits of the course?

  1. This course is the only Newborn Care Course in Egypt with such topics, material and benefits.
  2. Through the course, there are training dolls available for each expecting mother to practice all essential baby care activities by herself and get the sense of the correct know-how of each activity.
  3. The partner is invited in one of the workshops to fully understand how he can best support the new mother in taking care of their baby together.
  4. At the end of the course, each attendee receives a complete guidance kit that includes everything discussed in the course along with other important handouts that will all act as a quick and reliable reference to the new mother after delivery.
  5. The vaccination topic is covered by the inspiring pediatrician Dr. Amira Edris herself.

Invest in YOURSELF for YOUR expected baby…

Because YOU and YOUR baby deserve the best care

How can the course be completed?

NewBornians is available in 2 models:-

1- Workshops with a maximum of 10 attendees, for 3 hours in duration.

2- One to One basis for all interested mothers-to-be, who find it difficult to move easily during pregnancy.

The course is available in either independent workshops of 4 before delivery and 1 after delivery when the baby is 3 to 6 months old, in which each workshop is discussing certain topics or a full package of all workshops together available at a special discount.

Who is the instructor?Naila Bahgat

Naila Bahgat, Certified Newborn Care Specialist from the USA, Founder and Instructor of NewBornians, Workshop Key Speaker at ‘Your Child Expo’ 2014, Newborn Care Expert for over 1000 member of Rahet Bally group of first time pregnant women and first time mommies and a mother of a 2-year old baby girl who would love to spread the awareness to all, ‘First Time Mothers-to-be’ in attempts of making theirs and their expected babies’ lives a lot easier Insha’Allah.

Description of the different workshops?


Newborn characteristics and essential care activities know-how • Physical Characteristics of your Newborn • Newborn Senses & Reflexes • Infant Directed Speech (IDS) • Newborn Dressing & Undressing • Umbilical Cord & Stump Care • Circumcision Care • Diapering Know-How • Types of Stools • Bathing Know- How • Removing Congestion • Cradle Cap Care • Infant Nail Care
Understand the meaning of your Newborn’s cries & empower yourself with soothing and sleep training techniques • Babies’ Universal Language & the Meaning of your Newborn’s Cries • Video Showing the Words your Newborn says by Crying • Sleep Training Techniques • Soothing Techniques for your Crying Baby • Swaddling Simulation • All about Pacifiers • What is White Noise ? • What is Colic ? • Colic Symptoms • Colic Remedies • Baby Massage Know-How
Breast & Bottle Feeding Projects Know-How • Signs of Hunger • Breastfeeding Benefits • Breast Feeding Project Know-How • What’s in a Bottle • Expressing Breast Milk • Sterilizing • Breast Milk Storage Guidelines • Breastfeeding in Public • Breastfeeding & Work • Formula Feeding • How Much & How Often • Burping • Infant Acid Reflux
Newborn health & Safety & how the new dad can best support the new mum (Partner attendance is a must) • Normal Red Flags • Newborn Jaundice • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) • Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) • Vaccination • Baby Growth Charts • Baby Blues & Postpartum Depression (PPD) • New Mum New Responsibilities • How New Dad can Support • Diapering and Burping Simulation • Taking Baby’s Temperature • Car Seat Guidelines
Teething & Weaning (for new mothers of 3 – 6 months old babies) • Teething Signs & symptoms • Teething Remedies & Care • Teething & Breastfeeding • Signs Baby is Ready for Solid Food • Solid Food Know-What • Solid Food Know-How • Introducing Water • Bottle Weaning • Milestones (6-12)

For reservations please contact us:

  • Tel:  0237963090
  • Cell: 01205707074-01211118740
  • Email: karim.mohamed@rofayda.org

