Physician Directory

Clinic Location : Clinic No. 207

Working Hours :

  • SaturdayFrom: 2 pm  -  To: 6 pm
  • SundayFrom: 2 pm  -  To: 6 pm
  • MondayFrom: 2 pm  -  To: 6 pm
  • WednesdayFrom: 2 pm  -  To: 6 pm


phone : +2 01211118747

Call Phone

Amira Edris MD,PHD

Pediatrics Neonatology

Dr. Amira Edris is specialized in neonatology, providing medical care for ill newborn infants or premature.

Initial training was at Kasr Al – Ainy hospital, where she received her bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and MD.

Dr. Amira Edris is currently a member of the council heading the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Al -Monira Hospital where she is specialized in intensive care to premature babies to help them pass to the mature phase.

Clinical Experience:

  • Pediatric intensive care, Neonatal intensive care, general pediatric and emergency medicine.

Languages Spoken:

  • Arabic
  • English


El- Kasr Al-Ainy Medical School, Cairo University