Physician Directory

Clinic Location : Rofayda Health Park - Clinic No.102

Working Hours :

  • SaturdayFrom: 10 am  -  To: 10 pm
  • SundayFrom: 10 am  -  To: 10 pm
  • MondayFrom: 10 am  -  To: 10 pm
  • TuesdayFrom: 10 am  -  To: 10 pm
  • WednesdayFrom: 10 am  -  To: 10 pm
  • ThursdayFrom: 10 am  -  To: 10 pm


phone : +2 01140424042

Call Phone

Iscan 3D Maxillofacial Imaging Center

Periodontology Oral Radiology


Egypt’s genuinely independent and most advanced 3D Dental and Maxillofacial Imaging Center

At I-Scan 3D Maxillofacial Imaging Center we utilize the latest state of the art equipment available, which permits the lowest radiation dose possible, while producing the clearest, highest detailed images for the doctor.

Dr. Amira Mamish is the Founder and Director has a Masters Degree in “Periodontology, Oral Medicine and Oral Radiology”.

Our services include:

  • Cone Beam CT
  • Panoramic projection x-rays, lateral and PA
  • C-ephalometric and treatment planning.

Contact info:

Rofayda Health Park – Clinic No. 102

Opening Hours :

Saturday to Thursday from 10:00 Am to 10:00 Pm

For reservation Please contact us on:

Tele: 02-37963333

Mob: 011-40424042