Physician Directory

Clinic Location : Rofayda Health Park - G

Working Hours :

  • SaturdayFrom: 8 am  -  To: 12 pm
  • SundayFrom: 8 am  -  To: 12 pm
  • MondayFrom: 8 am  -  To: 12 pm
  • TuesdayFrom: 8 am  -  To: 12 pm
  • WednesdayFrom: 8 am  -  To: 12 pm
  • ThursdayFrom: 8 am  -  To: 12 pm
  • FridayFrom: 8 am  -  To: 12 pm


phone : +2 01111450964

Call Phone

Roshdy Pharmacy


Roshdy Pharmacy

About us :

Roshdy Pharmacies has started in 2008 opening their first branch.
By using all available resources to serve our customers we put our first foot forward towards building this brand,
to deserve that trust of our customers. We believed that having trust was the main biller that carries our success.
We had a challenge every day; to gain the trust of more customers and to prove every moment that we are trustworthy.
Our customers database grew therefore we are increasing our branches to meet their requirements.

Opening Hours  :

Everyday from 8:00 Am to 12:00 Pm