Clinic Location : Dar El Oyoun Hospital
Working Hours :
- MondayFrom: 6 pm - To: 9 pm
- TuesdayFrom: 6 pm - To: 9 pm
phone : +2 19978
Call PhoneSherif Sheta MD,PHD
Professor of Ophthalmology – Vitreoretinal Consultant, Cairo University – Chairman of Dar El Oyoun Eye Hospitals & Centers Chairman of Dareloyoun eye hospitals & centers . Professor of Ophthalmology – Chief of retina service-Cairo University. Sheta graduated from the Cairo University with a bachelor degree in medicine (MBBCH) in 1976 with honors. He was appointed as a House officer then a resident in the ophthalmology department. In1980, Sheta earned a Masters degree from Cairo University; he was appointed the position of an assistant lecturer of ophthalmology. In 1984 he earned a Doctorate degree in Ophthalmology from Cairo University.Sheta then traveled to North Carolina to earn a Vitreo-retinal fellowship from Duke University, his fellowship was completed in June 1986. Following his fellowship, Sheta returned to Cairo University to practice and join the faculty as an assistant professor of Ophthalmology. He earned a degree as Professor of Ophthalmology in December 1994. Currently, sheta is the Chairman at the Dar El Oyoun Ophthalmology Hospital, amember of the Egyptian Ophthalmology Society and vice president of the Egyptian Vitreo-retina Society On an international level, Sheta is organizer and member of the Vail vitrectomy Vitreo-retinal club in Colorado – USA. Member of the Club Jules Gonin for retina specialists in Lausanne – Switzerland. Director of the training committee at the Arab Board for medical specialization in Damascus – Syria. Sheta is also involved in philanthropy as he is chairman of Oyoun El Wadi organization, an NGO that provides free eye care and services to patients in Egypt and Sudan.
Dar El Oyoun Eye Institution (DEO) Is a chain of hospitals and centers ( 13 ) inside Egypt and Libya. It is a private institution with research and clinical services characterized by a unique situation being managed according to highest standards of clinical and corporate governance.